Recon 500ml
Recon 500ml is a typical, everyday water bottle designed and manufactured by Hydrapak from Tritan™ and recycled materials.
The bottle has a capacity of 500lm, weighs 143g, and is produced from Tritan™ copolyester. Utilized material makes it considerably lighter, more durable, and more eco-friendly than other polyester or glass bottles on the market. The shape of the bottle allows it to be carried in backpack pockets or placed in most cup holders.
Tight fitting Tritan™ cap prevents accidental spills, and the ring handle helps with comfortable use, carry, and attachment. It is simple to use with a 180° turn for a perfect water flow rate.
The Recon 500ml is an ideal backpack addition for sports, outdoor, and everyday uses.
Packaging Dimensions & Weight
- Length:
- 6.9 cm
- Length packed:
- 6.9 cm
- Wide:
- 6.9 cm
- Width packed:
- 6.9 cm
- Height:
- 18.5 cm
- Height packed:
- 18.5 cm
- Weight:
- 0.143 kg
- Weight packed:
- 0.15 kg